Dr Aman Kwatra supports people experiencing a range of mental health difficulties, such as overcoming grief stemming from significant losses, recovering from trauma, abuse, or healing from experiences of body-violation. He also supports people recover from deep-rooted depression, anxiety or relationship difficulties. Information about some of his key specializations are provided below.

Please contact us if you have any queries, or need more information.

Therapy for Bereavement, Grief and Loss

One of my main focus is towards providing empathic, compassionate and non-judgemental therapy support to those experiencing, bereavement, grief or loss. I have specialized training in grief-informed clinical counselling, and am also trained in working with complicated grief and prolonged grief disorder.

It is important to realize that loss can come in many forms, such as the death of a loved person, perinatal loss or infant loss, miscarriage, abortion, loss of livelihood, loss of purpose or meaning in life, loss of childhood due to trauma or abuse, loss of body integrity due to sexual abuse or violence, sudden or unexpected losses, terminal illness diagnosis, and so much more. If you are experiencing significant grief or loss, know that support is available. Please reach out to know more.

Therapy for Adverse Childhood Experiences (For Adults)

Experiencing adverse experiences during our childhood can have a deep impact on our mental wellbeing and self-concept throughout our lifetimes. Such experiences can include (but are not limited to) physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, sexual violence or abuse, witnessing domestic violence, abandonment, parental illness or conflicts, death of a caregiver or friend, experiencing bullying, or growing up in a household where family members have significant mental health issues, physical illnesses or experiencing substance abuse/misuse. Such experiences can impact our mental wellbeing, our physical health, sense of self-image or self-confidence, our ability to form or keep healthy relationships, and can cause difficulties in self-acceptance. However, it is possible to overcome many of these challenges through psychotherapy at any stage of our life. Reach out for support if you feel this is something that resonates with you.

Therapy for Violation of Body Integrity

Our bodies are the sacred keepers of our being in the world and provide us with a sense of safety, comfort and security. They allow us to experience the world through our senses, helping us to learn and grow. However, when our bodies experience physical violation - whether through physical or sexual abuse, assault, inappropriate or unwanted touch, accident or even through being a witness to the violation of the body-integrity of another person - our sense of safety can be broken and this can adversely impact our ability to feel comfortable in our own skin, or feel safe or intimate in our relationships. We can also be left feeling like there is something wrong with our body, feel broken, feel scared, or even ashamed of our own physical selves. Such feelings, though painful, are quite understandable and should be seen with compassion as an attempt by our bodies to seek tender restoration of its own integrity, so that once again we can reclaim our sense of self and feel safe, secure, soothed and are able to embrace ourselves for who we truly are.

Therapy for Self-Actualization and Self-Transformation

This therapy is based on my years of experience of psychological therapies, meditative and mindfulness practices, deep reflections and learnings about the nature of the psyche and consciousness, immersion in nature-based healing and body-movement based growth. It is an integrative therapeutic approach that focuses on removing aspects that constrict our true being, deconstructing our limited concepts of the self, and then reconstructing a much expansive idea of who we are. There is an emphasis on fostering self-care, self-compassion and self-acceptance, breaking through the chains of judgement and shame.

It is important to note that this is a long-term intervention programme that normally requires a commitment for a minimum of 6 to 12 months.

Mental Health Counselling Available for a Range of Mental Health Difficulties, such as:

  • Bereavement, Grief and Loss

  • Miscarriage, Infant Loss, Rainbow Baby

  • Infertility

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Trauma

  • Accident or Physical Trauma

  • Body-Violation

  • Low Mood

  • Anger

  • Relationship Conflict

  • Sexual Abuse / Sexual Assault

  • Low Self-Confidence

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Victim of Criminal Assault

  • Childhood Trauma and Abuse