Mindfulness & Meditation

Dr Aman Kwatra has practiced mindfulness and meditation for as long as he can remember. Over the years, he has cultivated advanced practices in present-moment awareness, and now guides people in creating sustainable practices for self-care, self-compassion, self-transformation and self-transcendence.

Please see our Events page for more information about upcoming group sessions.

If you would prefer individual mentoring, please contact us to discuss next steps.


For those with little or no experience of meditation, I would recommend beginning your practice through mindfulness for developing a deeper anchor with the present-moment and gently working towards expanding your sense of self, through beginning to notice yourself as the observer, a pure witness to the present moment, separate from all thoughts and feelings.


Meditation allows us to go much deeper into our being and witness the unfolding of our universal consciousness, to gradually remove illusions of separation. To truly experience the power of meditation, one has to go deep within the consciousness, beyond words and into profound silence.

I can be a gentle companion and guide on the way, ushering you in the right direction, supporting you in this journey in a safe and compassionate way. Yet I can only help point to the moon. Eventually, you will need to shift your gaze from my pointing fingers to the actual vision and experience of that which is.

Dr Aman Kwatra explains why we can't 'do' meditation, and why meditation is something that we need to' become'.

Upcoming Events & Workshops

  • Zen Stories, Meditation & A Cup of Tea: Workshop in Self-Care & Self-Compassion

    Small Group Workshop (Max 8 Participants)

    Saturday 28th September 2024

    Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

    Cost: 50 Euros

    Location: Laragh, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow

  • Meditation for Self-Care & Self-Compassion.

    Small Group (Max 8 Participants)

    Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday

    Time: 09:30 am to 10.15 am

    Cost: EUR 10 (Single Session)

    Location: Laragh, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow.

  • Zen Stories, Meditation & A Cup of Tea: Workshop in Self-Care & Self-Compassion

    Small Group Workshop (Max 8 Participants)

    Saturday 05 October 2024

    Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

    Cost: 50 Euros

    Location: Laragh, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow